Sunday, April 20, 2008

BlackEyedSuzie & Yoshida Style...

I am an admirer of Miss BlackEyedSuzie's dolls []

and this one might be my favorite - though they are all beautiful...
A couple months ago Miss Suzie posted a blog about a new book she'd purchased called "Yoshida Style - I was curious and intrigued!!! So intrigued, in fact, that I recently received my own copy in the mail (I found it on eBay) and I LOVE this book!!! The entire thing is illustrated in such detail - though ALL of the book is written in Japanese (and though I took a year of Japanese in college and "Aced" the class - that was many, many moons ago and I can not read nor understand a thing this books says... BUT the illustrations for EACH and EVERY step are done so well, it's incredibly useful even without understanding the text.
[a little side note that I know will make my friend Julie shake her head... but the dolls are all anatomically correct and pre-teen in age - that's not disturbing to me (much) but the fact that the author dresses them provocatively kinda freaks me out - so I've taken the liberty of "re-dressing" some of the photos (in case my girls - ages 10 and 13 - decide to browse through it) because I think girls should dress and act like girls...
okay, I'm getting off my high horse now - and please, please don't take offense - Julie disagreed with my prudish-ness but STILL loves me]

Thank You SO Much Miss BlackEyedSuzie
for sharing your incredible talent
and your wonderful finds <3


Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you so much for putting me (and Maude) on your blog! I'm glad you like Yoshida Style - isn't so gorgeous?! So you're doing a 6 inch bjd? That's amazing...I'd love to see pics when she's done. I'm planning to do a bjd this summer also, but I don't think I could do it in such a small scale - I might start at 17 or so inches. Thanks for visiting!

curious and curiouser... said...

I totally want to do a bjd (ball-jointed doll) - but I don't think I can do one at 6 inches... I just love how he (Ryo Yoshida) shows how to do the face, the hands and feet, the hair - so detailed! but 17 inches is intimidating to me, so it may be jointed - but with pins because I don't think I can do ball-jointed... but what a compliment :) You totally made my day <3